Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Getting ready for another school year. A list of classroom procedures to consider.

Procedures add predictability to the classroom and are part of creating a secure learning environment. Procedures must be 1.) explicitly taught, 2.) practiced, and 3.) reinforced throughout the school year. 

The following are important procedures to consider for a K-12 classroom:

  • How to enter the classroom (also when to enter the classroom. Should students remain lined up outside until an adult arrives at the classroom?)
  • What should students be working on at the beginning of class? (do now/first focus/morning work/etc.)
  • Where (and when) must students place completed assignments.
  • How a class will be quieted i.e., hand signal, short phrase.
  • How to get your attention when you are available AND when you are working with another student.
  • How to get permission to leave the classroom.
  • How to transition from whole group to small groups.
  • How to report something to the teacher i.e., bullying.
  • What students should do if they finish their work before others.
  • When to sharpen a pencil ("Pencil sharpener closes at 9:00 a.m."/"Pencil sharpener is only open during morning work.")
  • How/when to ask to go to the restroom i.e., sign language symbol for "r" and not during direct instruction.
  • The students and I love this one: How to greet a classroom visitor... "Hi, my name is Brendan. Welcome to 402 where every minute counts. We are currently learning about adding sensory details to our realistic fiction stories. Welcome."
  • How to walk in the hallway.
  • How to calmly respond to an emergency i.e., fire drill, lock down.
  • What students can do at the end of class.
  • What is the end of day procedure?

What other procedures do your students need? The more you focus on the small details now, the less issues you will have later. Be prepared!

With something to think about,

Mr. Russell


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